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How to Grow Your Business on Facebook by Sharing Your YouTube Videos?

Business on Facebook by Sharing Your YouTube Videos

Business on Facebook by Sharing Your YouTube Videos

Read Time:2 Minute, 35 Second

For small businesses or start-ups, Facebook can act as a powerful platform for reaching out and intriguing the customers.

In fact, according to the new reports, spending on advertisements shown on Facebook actually increased in March. Also, Facebook is anticipated to continue to be one of the most successful Technology and Social Media companies in the following years.

That’s why for small-scale businesses, Facebook is still a dominant tool for developing your brand presence and for generating leads. Here are some ways to use Facebook to develop your business:

  1. Launch a Contest

Contests are a fun way to attract your audience on the social network. But remember that not every competition held on Facebook will generate the expected response. Before starting, identify the marketing goal you’re trying to achieve. Depending on your target, modify the contest entry criteria so that the right audience participates.

  1. Create Funded Ads

You notice them on your Facebook feed out of which some are relevant, some not. Paid advertising on Facebook is a wonderful way to boost your primary marketing if you’re a small business owner, without breaking your budget.

Facebook’s Ad Manager is devised to measure up to 10 different parameters such as page post engagements, clicks on websites, website conversions, page likes, offer claims, local awareness, and more. After selecting what you want, the Ad Manager will ask you to decide your target audience. So it will then create a custom audience through your company’s contact database.

  1. Post High-Quality Content

An active Facebook page will ensure that your business attracts the customers who are interested in your page, products or services.

If you’re thinking what content pieces to post, consider sharing industry information or product updates, or your own blogs. Moreover, if you have a YouTube channel, then you can put them up on Facebook to reach your Facebook followers. For this, look for a youtube to facebook thumbnail generator and get a customized youtube to facebook thumbnail. It’s a hustle-free way to give full coverage to your videos on your Facebook page. If the content is good, people might share it further.

  1. Create a Facebook Group

Facebook groups have been influential in connecting businesses with their audience and direct qualified leads to you. But they shouldn’t be made for giving just boring product updates. These groups should encourage more discussion of shared interests.

When making a Facebook Group, ensure that it revolves around a specific niche.

  1. Go Live!

Facebook allows live-streaming, in which you can film a live video to your page followers in real-time.

When unsure about the type of live stream content to broadcast, consider hosting a Q&A, tease new products, create a How-To video, or take a quick tour of your business.

Just pick a catchy title to draw viewers into the live recording and always check your equipment so that the viewers can watch it clearly. Also, keep in mind to end your live stream with a call-to-action, like “Sign up today!” or “Learn more on our website.”

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