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3 Web Designing Trends That Will Dominate 2017

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In the domain of information technology, it is only change that is always constant. Those who are able to keep pace with these changes can make it big in their professional life, and those who are not, keep struggling harder aimlessly. In this article, we would discuss some trends that will dominate the year 2017 in the field of professional web designing as part of the changes expected to take place in professional web designing.

Focus on freshness and the diminution of stock imagery

It is originality that is going to dominate the entire web designing and development scenario. What happens in most of the web designs is that designers search a particular reference in the cyberspace and create a replica of the same for their clients. There are some companies that have adopted a particular pattern on which they keep rendering all their designs. This way, the fresh approach is fully compromised and the end product carries no great impression at all.

Next point is about the use of images. There are countless imagery stores on the internet. Some of them offer free images, and some offer the paid ones. As per the survey reports published in the end of 2016, more than 70% companies made use of free images in their web designing and development work. You may be surprised to know that similar images are utilized around 500-600 times by different web solution providers. This way, the originality got affected making people learn that they should avid stock imagery in the year 2o17.

Therefore, it would be advisable here for some of the best website development companies in Delhi NCR to conduct their own photography sessions to produce projects with 100% originality.

  1. Bigger, Bolder and Attractive Typography

Typography has always been a powerful visual medium which is able to create personality, call forth emotion and set the tone. As the resolutions of the devices get sharper and typing gets easier to read on-screen, the business owners will be looking towards pushing the limits of typography even a step ahead to appeal to their users. Expect to observe a high level of increase in overall size and full screen typing which breaks the grid while working in tandem with parallax scrolling.

The use of more and more videos

Videos are going to be the king in the year 2017. As people are getting more and more visual-inclined, it is imperative for any web designing company in Gurgaon to produce websites with great visual effects. These videos will be short and crisp made to serve educational, promotional and entertainment purposes.

As a business owner, if you are also the one seeking revamping or a brand new website, then  you must be highly particular about these latest trends that will enable you not only to keep pace with time, but also stand apart from the crowd with your unique and compelling website.


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Author Bio.

Ram Mohan is presently the Delivery Head at Sterco Digitex, a New Media Design Company specializing in value services like: Website Designing, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Mobile App Development, and Ecommerce. Evoking a deep sense of admiration and loyalty from his subordinates Ram is more of a leader than a manager with his vision, passion and dedication being instrumental in creating amazing experiences for Sterco’s clients over the years. Starting as a Sr. Web Designer in May 2005, Ram has donned many hats in his illustrious career taking his leadership skills from good to great.  Ram holds an MBA, MCA and BIT Degree. Encouraging learning through mentoring and developmental opportunities, Ram spends his free time cycling, horse riding and playing guitar.


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