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The Social-Media Geek’s Guide to Finding the Newest Awesome Broadway Show

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Life before social media was rough. If you wanted to go to a good show, you had to actually talk to a human being – or worse, read a newspaper. If you are the least bit tech-savvy, though, you can find out all the information that you need from the comfort of your own phone. A good geek can easy leverage his or her savvy into much better tickets.

Broadways Apps

It should not be terribly surprising that Broadway apps exist. Apps like At the Booth, for example, can help you to track down half-price tickets for the hottest shows in town. There are dozens of other Broadway apps available, which can help you to do everything from tracking down reviews to saving money. Most of these applications are really single-purpose apps, but you can get a good deal of mileage out of them if you frequently go to shows. Most of the apps are free, as well, so feel free to experiment and figure out what you like.

Trending Topics

Your social media accounts already contain most of the tools that you need to find the best Broadway shows. The best place to start, as always, is Twitter. Twitter’s short format and universal following ability means that you can get information from anyone, and that the information will largely be free of outside interference. You might encounter an advertising bot or two that could set you on the wrong path, but Twitter’s lack of censorship makes it far easier to find out the real information about a show. Simply through a hash-tag in front of the name of the show that you want to check out, and you should be able to grab more information than you expect. It might also be wise to look at other trending topics like #Broadway or #NewShows to get even more information.

Those Other Apps

Sure, actual Broadway ticket apps are the best way to actually get Broadway information. They are not, however, always the best way to save money when you go to see a show. If you’re actually on the Great White Way (or your local equivalent), it is always a great idea to check in with apps like Foursquare or Scvngr to see if there are local deals. Many shows actually offer discounts to get people in the doors, and those that make use of such applications tend to be on the hotter side. You can also use that saver’s standby, Groupon, to track down hot deals. Groupon is particularly hit or miss on shows, but you might be able to grab deals for the opening week that are otherwise impossible. If you already have the apps, you have no excuse for not using them. If you do not, the good news is that they are all free.

If in doubt, always look at social media pages for new show tips. You may not always save money, but you will always get information. At the end of the day, that is worth the effort.



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